Lord Manners was a rich and famous banker. When he died, he was given a magnificent funeral which was attended by hundreds of famous people. The funeral was going to be held in Westminster Abbey. Many ordinary people lined the streets to watch the procession. The wonderful black and gold carriage was drawn by six black horses. The mourners followed in silence. Lord Manners was given a royal farewell. Two tramps were among the crowd. They watched the procession with amazement. As solemn music could be heard in the distance, one of them turned to the other and whisper in admiration, "Now that's what I call really living!"
Some people are always saying that they don't built cars as they used to be. What nonsense! I walked round the beautiful new Ferrari again, admiring its lines, when my thoughts were rudely interrupted. "Will you be here long?" a voice asked sharply. "I haven't made up my mind yet," I said, loolking up at a sour-faced traffic warden. "Well, you can't stop here," he told me "Who says so?" I asked him cheekily. "I said so," he said to me. "It says here," he added, "in case you can't read. "No, waiting"." "You read very well. Go to the top of the class! I told him, "but I'll make my own decisions." "oh, will you?" the traffic warden asked. "Then so will I and I've decided to give you a ticket, " he said to me with relish as he began filling out a form. "Go, ahead,"I told him."This car doesn't belong to me anyway. I ...